Safety and Compliance Solutions that Put You in Control – You’ve Got This!

Who, Me? – 05/09/2022

Safety E-QuickTips

U.S. Compliance Systems, Inc.

Monday May 9, 2022

Who, Me?

What is the number 1 reason you should make workplace safety a priority each workday?

Is it because:

  • ·Your boss says so?
  • ·Someone might be watching you and you will get in trouble?
  • ·You have a responsibility to provide a safe workplace for those working for you?
  • ·OSHA has put together regulations regarding workplace safety and will cite and issue costly penalties to employers?

These all may be good reasons, but they are not the number 1 reason you should make workplace safety a priority each workday.

So, what is the reason?


That’s right, YOU are the number 1 reason.

Why is that?

If you are seriously hurt in a workplace accident, YOU will be the one experiencing the pain and suffering.

If you are the cause of a serious accident that injures others, YOU will have to live with it.

If you could have prevented an accident from happening and didn’t, YOU will be the one who must live with the reality that you could have prevented the accident.

It would be nice if YOU could push the responsibility off on others, but YOU can’t because in the end, it’s all about YOU.

Employee QuickTip

Your employer is responsible for ensuring you are provided a safe workplace but without YOU getting involved, it will never become a reality.

Employer/Management QuickTip

Don’t allow workplace safety to be just about the paperwork.Focus your efforts on what will really help protect your employees by preventing workplace accidents at your worksite.

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Thanks for Reading and Please – Stay Healthy and Work Safe.