Safety and Compliance Solutions that Put You in Control – You’ve Got This!

Now, How Will You Make It Happen? – 10/24/22

Safety E-QuickTips

U.S. Compliance Systems, Inc.

Monday Oct 24, 2022

Now, How Will You Make It Happen?

Last year the perfect storm hit regarding workplace safety and compliance at your company.

You had a record number of employee injuries that raised your workers’ compensation and general liability rates to new highs.

Then you were inspected by OSHA and received a few serious citations along with one repeat because your company had been previously cited for a similar violation a few years earlier.

And to top it off, you were removed from a bidders list due to your poor workplace safety and OSHA compliance history.

But it’s the first of the year and your company has made the decision to move forward with implementing a new or improved workplace safety and compliance program.

A program that will reduce accidents, lower workers compensation and general liability insurance rates, and get you back on that bidders list.

So, members of management and a few employee representatives meet to discuss how you’ll move forward.

You can see that both management and employees are on board with the project and will do what is necessary to support the project.

Ideas are flowing like water from each group then someone challenges an idea with, “We’ve tried that before and it didn’t work.”

The ideas trickle to a stop, a discussion begins and then it becomes heated with everyone having different ideas on how to move forward.

An hour or so goes by and it’s time to wrap up the meeting so a decision is made to put you in charge of the project and another meeting is scheduled for next month.

What will you do next?

You’re in a tough position.Management and employees have different ideas on how this is going to work. In fact, you even have superintendents or floor supervisors that have other ideas because they don’t want this to get in the way of production.

What will you do to make it happen?

Think about it and we’ll talk more next week.

Have you just received your first Safety E-QuickTip or just want to look at past issues? Check out our Safety E-QuickTips Archive Page on our website.

Employee QuickTip

Before you start work each day ask yourself, “What is the number 1 thing I can do today to ensure everyone goes home at the end of the day in the same physical condition they arrived?”

Employer/Management QuickTip

Before you start work each day ask yourself, “What is the number 1 thing I can do today to ensure everyone goes home at the end of the day in the same physical condition they arrived?”

Didn’t I just say the same thing to the employees? Maybe we all need to think about it.

Have you received your first Safety E-QuickTip or just want to look at 500+ past issues? Check out our Safety E-QuickTips Archive Page on our website.

If you know of someone or a company that might benefit from receiving Safety E-QuickTips, please take a moment to share this with them so they can sign-up today.

Thanks for Reading and Please – Stay Healthy and Work Safe.