Happy New Year 2021
Safety E-QuickTips
U.S. Compliance Systems, Inc.
Monday December 28, 2020
Happy New Year 2021
As I sat down to write the last Safety E-QuickTip of 2020, it hit me. In a few days 2020 will come to an end.
And what a year it was.
It started out like any other year but just a couple of months into it, we saw a single virus called COVID-19 bring the world to its knees.
When we first heard about the virus a lot of people, including myself, thought we would be dealing with it for a few months and then everything would go back to normal.
The experts who knew best said differently, and it’s turned out they were right.As we come to the end of the year the COVID-19 virus is still affecting the way we live, and not in a good way.
But there is light at the end of the tunnel.
With vaccinations being distributed throughout the world we will eventually bring this virus under control and we’ll go back to life as we knew it.
Well, maybe not exactly as we knew it, but I’m guessing pretty close.
But we still have a way to go and during that time we all need to continue to do our part in protecting ourselves along with our families and friends.
So, please listen to the experts and help prevent the spread of this virus at work and home by wearing your mask, practicing social distancing and avoiding large gatherings.
If we listen to the experts and work together, 2021 will be the year that we bring COVID-19 to its knees.
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Thanks for Reading and Please – Stay Healthy and Work Safe Throughout this Holiday Season!