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COVID-19 Resilience: We’ve Done It Before, We’ll Do It Again

Safety E-QuickTips

U.S. Compliance Systems, Inc.

Monday Dec 27, 2021


We’ve Done It Before – We’ll Do It Again

Year 2 of trying to deal with the new strains of COVID have pushed many to their limits, a true test of COVID-19 resilience.

Mask on/Mask off, supply chain issues, not enough employees, burnt out employees, children going to school, then going virtual, and the list goes on.

It’s times like this in our lives that defines who we are and it’s times like this that will define who we will be.

I’ve been around over 60 years, and I’ve seen good times and bad.When our country experiences bad times I can tell you that somehow, we always manage to get through them and come out on the other end stronger than ever.

We find ways to put our divisions, both personal and political, aside and find a way to come together to get the job done, because that’s what we do here in the US.

My hopes and prayers for you and your families in 2022 is that you find a way to be a part of the solution that allows us to come out stronger and more united that ever.

Employee/Employer/Management QuickTip

Without employees a company is nothing and without a company there are no employees.Do your part in 2022 to make your company the best it can be, and everyone wins.

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Thanks for Reading and Please – Stay Healthy and Work Safe.