Safety and Compliance Solutions that Put You in Control – You’ve Got This!

A Blast From The Past – 03/01/2021

Safety E-QuickTips

U.S. Compliance Systems, Inc.

Monday March 1, 2021


A Blast From The Past

When it comes to workplace safety and compliance, we definitely need policies and procedures and we also need to make sure we communicate them to employees.

But we can’t stop there.

For a company safety program to do its real job, which is to protect employees from hazards in the workplace, you need to do more than just write down some policies and procedures and then talk to employees about them.

You need to continually emphasize their value and how everyone benefits from them or you will find your safety program sitting on the shelf collecting dust or is just another file you can’t find in your computer.

Sound familiar?

If so, it’s time to brush off the dust or do a little searching in your computer and put your safety program to work doing the job it was meant to do, protecting your employees.

That means taking it to the next level where every employee and everyone in management work together to prevent workplace accidents.

It’s not an easy place to get to and it will take time, but when you accomplish it there is no question everyone wins.

Workplace accidents, on the other hand, only cause physical, emotional, and financial pain for everyone and no one wins.

So, remember. . .

It’s not just what you know when it comes to workplace safety – It’s what you do with that knowledge that will make a difference.

Let’s start making a difference – Today!

Employee QuickTip

A safety program plays an important part in workplace safety. It establishes policies and procedures that will help ensure your employer meets OSHA requirements while providing you a workplace free of recognizable hazards.

But remember, it’s your job to follow those polices procedures, because if you don’t, you might live to regret it.

Employer/Management QuickTip

Last Notice: If you are required to electronically file your 2020-300A report, the information must be uploaded by March 2nd, 2021. Not sure if you must file electronically? Learn More Here.

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Thanks for Reading and Please – Stay Healthy and Work Safe.