A Blast From the Past – I Am Invincible – 09/07/2021
Safety E-QuickTips
U.S. Compliance Systems, Inc.
Monday Sep 7, 2021
A Blast From the Past – I Am Invincible
I was thinking about what runs through our minds when it comes to workplace safety and a quote from the James Bond movie Golden Eye came to mind, “I am invincible.” If you’ve not seen it, early in the movie a computer tech by the name of Boris shows how superior he is with computers and then says, “I am invincible.”
Throughout the movie you are reminded time and time again, mostly by his actions, how Boris is invincible. As the movie draws to a close, Boris (who is one of the bad guys) emerges surrounded by a burning heap of scrap metal to say, “I am invincible.” Then as he holds his hands high a piece of the scrap metal hits a row of liquid nitrogen tanks that break open and Boris is completely engulfed, leaving him frozen in time.
For many of us, we have experienced through the years what is referred to in the safety industry as near miss situations – where if things would have been just a little different, we could have been seriously injured or even killed. As these near miss experiences grow in number we may even begin to think, “I am invincible.”
We may have also heard about others, a few who were not so lucky. Things went wrong and instead of a near miss situation, they were involved in an accident and they were seriously injured or even killed.
Much like Boris in the James Bond movie, we look at those accidents and we find ways to justify in our minds that this never could have happened to us. We believe we never would put ourselves in that type of situation or make that kind of a mistake because we are smarter than that.
But are you?
Employee QuickTip
If this sounds a little like you, I hope that you will take a moment before work each day to remember that you are not invincible – it could save your life.
Employer/Management QuickTip
Although some employees might believe they are invincible we know that we are not. Take a minute this week to remind employees the value of working safely and if you happen to know a true story of someone who thought they were invincible but weren’t, share that story.
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Thanks for Reading and Please – Stay Healthy and Work Safe.