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Did You Know – 1/15/24

Safety E-Quick Tip

OWYN Safety Mgmt Platform

Did You Know

Studies over the years have shown that 80-90% of accidents in the workplace are caused by unsafe acts by employees.

A ladder being hopped a little to the left to be able to reach just 6 more inches without having to get down and move the ladder.

A guard being removed to make the job a little easier to do.

Fall protection equipment not being worn because it’s uncomfortable or a hassle.

Why is it that employees make poor decisions about safety even when provided with the right equipment and training to get the job done safely?

To be fair it may be employees who make those poor choices regarding safety at the workplace, but it’s all of us, including management, who make those same poor choices at home in our everyday lives.

Remember the time you used that wobbly chair or even the rocking chair to get something out of the cupboard you couldn’t reach?

Or that riding mower you never put the belt guard back on because it was such a hassle removing when you needed to adjust the mower belts or replace them.

And then there was that time during the winter when you went up on the roof to remove ice buildup and . . .

I’ll just stop there because this sounds a little too familiar.

We all make poor choices in our lives, and apparently we do it often at work or else we wouldn’t be seeing 80-90% of all workplace accidents caused by unsafe acts by employees.

But let’s think about this for a minute.

What if each of us made the choice today to use a ladder rather than a 5-gallon bucket to get up high enough to screw that bracket into the wall?

Or not to bypass that safety device.

And even use that fall protection equipment.

What if?

There goes 80-90% of all workplace accidents.

Not bad for a day’s work.

Employee QuickTip

If you want to make your workplace safer for you and those you work with, start by making better choices today when it comes to how you get the job done.

Employer/Management QuickTip

Start each day by letting your employees know that their safety is important to you and that performing their work in an unsafe way never benefits anyone. It will go a long way in preventing 80-90% of those workplace accidents.

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Thanks for Reading and Please – Be kind to one another this Holiday Season and in the Year to come and as always “Be Safe this Week”.