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Don’t Rely on Luck or Common Sense for Safety – 8/14/23

Safety E-Quick Tip

OWYN Safety Mgmt Platform

Don’t Rely on Luck or Common Sense for Safety

Congratulations on your four-year streak without any serious accidents at your workplace! But before you get too comfortable, it’s important to acknowledge that this safety record was achieved without implementing any real safety efforts.

You may feel proud of your achievement, but let’s not forget about the near misses that have occurred in the past.

Remember that day last year when your employees discovered that the trench had caved in just an hour after they were working there, without using a trench box?

Or the incident a few months ago when one of your workers took a fall after setting up a ladder on soft dirt? Luckily, they were unharmed due to their youth and the soft ground.

And who could forget the time when an employee had a close call with an open electrical panel?

It’s crucial to understand that relying solely on luck and common sense is not a sustainable strategy for safety. While you might have been fortunate to avoid serious accidents thus far, the reality is that accidents can and will happen if proper safety measures are not in place.

To ensure the continued well-being of your employees, it’s important that both the management and the workers understand how to protect themselves from workplace hazards. It is also essential to provide them with the necessary tools and resources to actively promote and maintain a safe working environment.

Remember, the shocking incident where an employee fell over 20 feet from a roof and landed in mud without a scratch? It really did happen. Don’t wait for a serious accident to occur before taking safety seriously.

Employee QuickTip

When everyone is sitting around talking and laughing about all those close calls, keep in mind that some of them could have ended in disaster.  Not a laughing matter.

Employer/Management QuickTip

Companies can go years without any serious accidents only on luck and common sense, but luck always runs out and commons sense only goes so far. Don’t put your employees’ and company’s future on the line.  Make workplace safety a priority.

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Thanks for Reading and Please – “Be Safe this Week”.