If You’re Talking Safety – Keep It Relevant – 2/10/25
Safety E-Quick Tip
OWYN Safety Mangement Platform
If You’re Talking Safety – Keep It Relevant
When it comes to workplace safety and compliance, relevance is not just important – it’s crucial. Let’s take a closer look at what not to do with a couple of examples.
Take Joe’s situation—utilizing pre-prepared safety meetings in a consistent sequence may seem logical, but if the content doesn’t align with the work at hand, it’s pointless.
Similarly, Bob’s approach of enrolling all his employees in a broad range of safety courses, irrespective of their relevance to their work, is a misstep.
The solution?
Prioritize relevant safety training. Tailor your safety meetings and courses to the specific tasks your employees are undertaking.
If only a handful of the prepared meetings or courses are pertinent, reuse them.
Furthermore, ensure that the training applies to the real hazards present in the workplace.
This approach not only ensures that your team is well-versed in the safety measures applicable to their work but also saves time, money, and most importantly, protects them from potential workplace hazards.
Remember, exceptions do exist—certain employees may require an understanding of hazards beyond their immediate role, but in general, focus on delivering training that directly impacts their day-to-day work.
By keeping your safety training relevant, you can effectively safeguard your team and streamline your safety and compliance efforts, ensuring that your investment in safety isn’t wasted.
Make your safety training count—keep it relevant.
Employee Quick-Tip
Prioritize job-specific safety training to ensure you are prepared to handle the hazards you may encounter in your daily work tasks.
Employer/Management Quick-Tip
Match safety training to each job role so your employees learn how to stay safe while doing their specific tasks.
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