It’s More Than Just Paper or a File in Your Computer – 07/06/2021

Safety E-QuickTips

U.S. Compliance Systems, Inc.

Monday July 06, 2021


It’s Much More Than Just Paper or a File in Your Computer

Hope you had a great 4th of July. It was beautiful here in northeast Ohio this weekend and by the sound of it, everyone was celebrating in full force.

For the next couple of weeks, I’m going to talk about developing your company safety program. Now if you already have a program in place, you may still want to follow along because you might find a few things that you can use to improve your program.

And for those of you who think these next couple of Safety E-QuickTips might not be worth reviewing with your employees, you need to keep it in mind that a company safety program is about protecting employees from workplace hazards. Getting them involved in the development process helps to ensure you have all the bases covered.

Before we get started, I need to make sure you understand that developing a company safety program is more about protecting employees from workplace hazards and less about how good your program looks on paper or in your computer.

Why do I feel this is important?

Because over the years I’ve found that people, including safety professionals, sometimes forget that it’s not about how the program looks, but rather about what it does to protect employees and reduce exposure.

A good example of this is when we received a call from a prospect who was interested in one of our programs. They wanted to make sure they could make changes to their program, such as changing the font to one they liked to use.

I don’t know about you, but in all the years I’ve been a safety consultant, I’ve never found a single font that helped employees recognize workplace hazards or reduce accidents.

So, with that being said, let’s get started.

You invest a lot of time and resources into building your business, so you understand that you need to do everything you can and have the right tools to protect your investment.

So doesn’t it make sense that you would take time and make an effort to implement your company safety program, especially since you know it can help protect your employees, the future of your business and provide a return of $3-$6 for every $1 you spend?

Of course it does!

So why is that most companies don’t do it?

Employers that we talk with say it’s difficult to get everyone on board in a company when it comes to implementing a company safety program because it requires change. Even when change is justified, it is still not always an easy thing to do.

So I’d like to point out a few things you can do to get your safety program developed and keep the process moving forward so you can do your best to protect your business and its most valuable assets: employees, company reputation and profits.

To continue reading – Click here.

Employee QuickTip

Developing a company safety program may not seem like something you should be a part of, but when you think of it, it is all about your safety. You really need to be involved.

Employer/Management QuickTip

Developing a comprehensive safety program that protects your most valuable assets – employees, company reputation and profits, is a win-win. Take the time to put something together that works for everyone; I promise it’s worth the time and effort.

Have you received your first Safety E-QuickTip or just want to look at 500+ past issues? Check out our Safety E-QuickTips Archive Page on our website.

If you know of someone or a company that might benefit from receiving Safety E-QuickTips, please take a moment to share this with them so they can sign-up today.

Thanks for Reading and Please – Stay Healthy and Work Safe.