Meeting OSHA Requirements in Four Simple Steps

Problem: OSHA Compliance Seems Like a Nightmare

Your problem: You know your company needs to be OSHA compliant, but one glance at OSHA’s website has you feeling overwhelmed. Where do you even begin?

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Your Solution: Meet OSHA requirements and protect your company, your employees, and your profits by following these 4 simple steps:

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Step 1. Establish safety policies and procedures.

A safety program or plan puts your company’s safety policies and procedures in writing. Policies declare your commitment to a culture of safety and health; procedures state the actions you’ll take to protect your employees’ safety and health in practice.

Step 2. Communicate with your employees.

For safety policies and procedures to be effective, your employees need to know and understand them. Communicate your safety plan to your employees through training.

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Step 3. Conduct regular safety inspections.

Workplace safety inspections have two main goals: to identify hazards and to enforce policies and procedures. You’ll need to inspect the worksite before work begins and on a regular basis.

Step 4. Correct hazards. Any hazards you identify during your inspections must be promptly corrected. If hazards continue to occur, you may need to modify your safety procedures or retrain your employees.

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Make It Happen: Does this seem too easy to be true? It’s not. Each step takes time and dedication, but if you make the effort, your business will be OSHA compliant, and your employees will be safer. In fact, being able to prove that you have met all four of these requirements is the only way to defend your company if you are cited for an employee’s violation of an OSHA standard. So, get started on Step 1 today by developing your safety program.

Next Steps: OSHA compliance is not a one-and-done exercise. It takes an ongoing commitment from your entire team, but don’t be discouraged. You’ve got this!

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