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PPE Then and Now

Safety E-Quick Tip

OWYN Safety Mgmt Platform

PPE Then and Now

Today’s workplace personal protective equipment (PPE) is leaps and bounds ahead of what was available in the 50’s, 60’s, and even the 70’s. The advancements in technology and materials have made PPE more comfortable, convenient, and effective than ever before.

Today’s PPE can provide better protection against workplace hazards, and it just keeps getting better.

For example, today’s respirators are more efficient at filtering out harmful particles and chemicals than those of the past. This means that workers are less likely to suffer from respiratory illnesses or other health issues related to exposure to hazardous materials.

Another advantage of modern PPE is its improved comfort.

In the past, many types of PPE were heavy, bulky, and uncomfortable to wear for extended periods of time.  Just look at the picture above.

Today, PPE is designed with comfort in mind, and is often made from lightweight, breathable materials that allow for easy movement and increased airflow. Something that was never considered years ago.

Finally, PPE is more convenient than ever before.

In the past, workers may have had to carry multiple pieces of equipment with them to protect themselves from different hazards.

Today, many types of PPE are designed to be multifunctional, providing protection against multiple hazards in a single piece of equipment.

A good example would be gloves that protect against cuts, burns and punctures. This not only makes it easier for workers to stay protected, but it also reduces the cost and hassle of purchasing and maintaining multiple pieces of equipment.

Overall, the advancements in PPE technology have made the workplace safer, more comfortable, and more convenient for workers than ever before.

By taking advantage of these advancements and investing in the right PPE, you can help to ensure the safety and well-being of your employees while also improving their overall productivity and job satisfaction.

But keep in mind, PPE doesn’t protect anyone if it is left on the shelf or in the truck.  It must be worn to provide the protection employees need and deserve.

Employee QuickTip

Today’s PPE may be better than ever before, but it’s up to you to always make sure you know how to use it effectively. It must be clean and in good working order.  Don’t forget to use it!

Employer/Management QuickTip

PPE is only effective in protecting your employees if it is used correctly. Take the time to educate employees about its proper use and the value of using it when necessary.

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Thanks for Reading and Please – “Work Safe and have a great week.”.