Safety In the Workplace: Be A Man, Be Responsible

Safety E-QuickTips

U.S. Compliance Systems, Inc.

Monday Dec 13, 2021


Be a Man

The day is finally here, it’s Ben’s first day on the job. The only thing he has ever wanted to do is to work in construction, just like his father.

And he is a little nervous because he’s heard stories about what happens to the new guy.

But his concerns were not about being given a lot of those tough jobs that would beat him up physically as the day progressed. He was worried about having to carry material up a ladder to a roof or having to work off of an extension ladder.

And this was something he should have been worried about because his friend might have told some of the guys on the job that Ben was a little nervous about working at heights.

The day started exactly the way Ben thought. He was given the dirtiest, toughest jobs anyone could possibly think of and he was good with that.

But just before they were about to wrap up for the day, the foreman told him to go up on the roof and clean up the area.

Ben, knowing he wasn’t comfortable going 25 feet up on an extension ladder, asked if someone else could do it, but the foreman said, “You’ll have to do it eventually, so it might as well be now.”

So, up he went and as he got further up the ladder he slowed down to a crawl.

Hand over hand, rung by rung his body started to tense up and it felt like it was taking forever.

He was thinking, I wish he would have just let me work up to this.

As he reached the top almost unable to let go of the ladder as he stepped off. He heard a roar of laughter from below.

Everyone was watching and he heard his friend say, “Way to be a man.”

Ben made it to the roof that day and made it down without incident, but what if he would have frozen on the ladder or worse yet, fallen.

All because a group of people wanted to have something to laugh about that day.

Employee QuickTip

If you’re going to “be A man” when it comes to safety in the workplace, be that man or woman who stands up for a safe workplace for you and those you work with.

Employer/Management QuickTip

If “be a man” defines how your company has handled safety in the past, don’t allow it to define its future. Your son’s, daughter’s, family member’s or friends’ safety may depend on it.

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Thanks for Reading and Please – Stay Healthy and Work Safe.