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Some Safety E-QuickTips are Timeless – 03/22/2021

Safety E-QuickTips

U.S. Compliance Systems, Inc.

Monday March 22, 2021


Some Safety E-QuickTips are Timeless

This blast from the past is one that you really need to think about.

These days we seem to put a value on everything. My house is worth $; my investments or 401k are worth $; if I continue my education it will be worth $ and it goes on and on.

But today the question I have for you is, what is your life worth?

How do you go about measuring the value of your life? Is it measured in longevity, earning power, the happiness you give, the joy you receive, the concern you show for others, the money you make, the status you achieve? Of course, when putting a value on your life, there are no absolutes — no right or wrong way to make the determination.

However, regardless of how you determine your worth, it is certain that if your life is cut short through an occupational accident, your value goes to zero! No more sharing, no more achieving, no more receiving — no more anything!

As a child, you learn through experience that certain behaviors result in adverse consequences. You touch a hot stove, you get burned. You recklessly steer a sled into a tree, you get hurt. Simple cause and effect.

As you get older and wiser, you learn not necessarily from personal experience, but from the vast knowledge of the experiences of others that certain behaviors result in adverse consequences. You read about fatal automobile accidents, fatal house fires, drug overdose deaths, and so on. You don’t have to experience these sets of events to fully comprehend their dire consequences.

Most safety rules are developed after a series of accidents — repetitive in nature — has occurred over time. After studying the cause(s) of these repetitive accidents, procedures are developed which, if followed, will prevent a reoccurrence.

Because adherence to safety standards prevents serious injury and death, it follows that it also prevents minor injuries as an added benefit. For example, while control of hazardous energy procedures may prevent electrocution, it will also prevent minor electrical shocks. While fall protection prevents deaths from falls from heights, it also prevents broken bones from these same types of falls.

Take some time to reflect on all the safety procedures that pertain to your work. Do you understand them? Do they make sense? Do you see how they can prevent injury? Do you have unanswered questions? Do you know where to get answers? Do you have suggestions for working in a safer manner? Do you know how to evaluate and share your ideas?

Employee QuickTip

Are you aware of unsafe acts you have performed? Do you know why you took chances? Was it to save time? Was it to save money? Was it to save face? Was it worth it? Safety is everybody’s business. Most importantly, safety is your business!

Employer/Management QuickTip

Just like a lot of other good things in our lives we sometimes take workplace safety for granted.

So, although you may not think it’s necessary to remind employees of the value of workplace safety – It is!

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Thanks for Reading and Please – Stay Healthy and Work Safe.