There’s Just No Time – 12/06/2021

Safety E-QuickTips

U.S. Compliance Systems, Inc.

Monday Dec 6, 2021


There’s Just No Time

Production, production, production – it’s all about production.

Of course, it is.

Because without it, you won’t be competitive, you won’t make money, you’ll go out of business and your employees will lose their jobs.

And that is a lose/lose situation for both the company and your employees.

So, with everything else you must do to ensure production requirements are met, how do you find time to provide your employees continued awareness of workplace hazards?

Why not consider short 5-10 minute safety meetings at the beginning of each week?

  • ·Pick ONE safety topic relevant to the work currently being performed
  • ·Get everyone together
  • ·Read through or listen to the topic (1 page max or a short video will do it)
  • ·Allow employees to ask questions
  • ·Document the meeting with a date, time, and attendance

And You’re DONE.

5-10 minutes once a week, that’s all it takes.

Now you might be thinking, “That sounds great, but I still have to take the time to put the meeting together. I don’t have time for that.”

I understand.

So, here’s a simple way to come up with the meeting in 5 minutes or less.

Google it! We all know that you can find information on most everything if you just Google it.

Type, “safety meeting __________” (include your topic) and there is a good chance you will come up with exactly what you need. You might even find a short video that you can play on your phone or tablet, but at a minimum you’ll find something you can read to your employees.

And if by chance you are one of our current clients, you can login to your account to access more than 100 1-page 5-10 minute safety meetings, complete with a sign-in sheet.

5-10 minutes, 1 topic. That’s all it takes to provide employees continued awareness of hazards in the workplace and help keep them safe.

Employee QuickTip

Safety meetings are designed to provide you continued awareness of hazards in the workplace. Don’t let your next safety meeting turn into just another coffee break. Listen. You might just learn something that will help ensure your safety.

Employer/Management QuickTip

Don’t let safety slow your job down. Provide your employees continued awareness of the value of workplace safety with quick 5-10 minutes safety meetings. Your meeting might take 5-10 minutes a week, but an accident could cost everyone more than you can even imagine. 

Have you received your first Safety E-QuickTip or just want to look at 500+ past issues? Check out our Safety E-QuickTips Archive Page on our website.

If you know of someone or a company that might benefit from receiving Safety E-QuickTips, please take a moment to share this with them so they can sign-up today.

Thanks for Reading and Please – Stay Healthy and Work Safe.