Safety and Compliance Solutions that Put You in Control – You’ve Got This!

What Can Possibly Happen There – 03/21/2022

Safety E-QuickTips

U.S. Compliance Systems, Inc.

Monday Mar 21, 2022


What Can Possibly Happen There

Today I want to spend some time talking about, wait for it – Office Safety.

I bet you didn’t see that one coming.

Although the office is one of the least hazardous places in the workplace, when things go wrong it can also be one of those places where employees are least prepared.

Think about it. When was the last time you looked at your company’s evacuation plan, or does one even exist?

Have those fire extinguishers ever been inspected to make sure they will work, when and if you need them?

How about that emergency exit with all the extra stuff from the office piled up against it? Does anyone ever think what might happen if you need to use it?

Then there’s workplace violence. Do you have a clue how you should handle it?

What if someone slips and falls or is possibly having a heart attack? Do you know what you should do first?

Let’s talk about office ergonomics. How do you handle that?

I could go on forever about possible situations in the office that could get ugly fast, but I’ll let you and your co-workers think about those on your own.

What I’m trying to point out to you today is that the office, one of the safest places in the workplace, can also be one of the most dangerous if you don’t know how to protect yourself or others from those hazards.

So, take a few minutes today and in the days to come to make sure your office continues to be a place where you and your co-workers can come to work each day and feel safe in your environment.

Employee QuickTip

Workplace safety is an easy thing to take for granted, especially in a place like the office. Do the little things every day, like keeping aisles free of tripping hazards and keeping those emergency exits clear. You’ll be doing your part to help ensure a safe office workplace for you and your co-workers.

Employer/Management QuickTip

It’s a lot easier to recognize hazards out on construction sites and out on the floor of a manufacturing facility because those are the accidents we hear about the most. Don’t let that office space fool you, there are real hazards there that could cripple an employee for life.

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Thanks for Reading and Please – Stay Healthy and Work Safe.