What Will The Future Bring? – 5/23/22

Safety E-QuickTips

U.S. Compliance Systems, Inc.

Monday May 23, 2022

What Will The Future Bring?

Here’s a blast from the past that is timeless.

Wouldn’t it be great if when you woke up today you already knew how your workday was going to go, especially when it comes to your safety?

Think about it.

You wake up and immediately before you do anything, you see yourself at work on a ladder stretching, or trying to hop the ladder a little without getting down, so you can get to something just out of your reach. Over go you and the ladder. You see yourself falling and then being sent to the hospital with what looks to be a broken leg.


You see yourself deactivating a safety device from a piece of equipment you are using because it keeps acting up, causing you to fall behind in production. Then without notice, your hand gets caught in the unit and you are being pulled into the machine leaving no question that this is not going to work out well for you.

Yes, wouldn’t it be great to know before your workday begins how your actions at work will affect your safety so that you could make the necessary changes to protect yourself?

To the best of my knowledge none of us can see the future, so what is the next best thing we can do?

If we’re going to work on a ladder and find that something is a little beyond our reach, we could take that little extra time and make that little extra effort to climb down the ladder and move it so that we can easily reach whatever we need without stretching out or hopping the ladder.


We could take the time to fix the safety device on our machine rather than disabling it.

Although we can’t see ahead to what hazards we may be exposed to today at work, there is one thing we all can do.

We can take the time and make the effort necessary to protect both ourselves and other employees working with us from hazards in the workplace. This will help ensure everyone goes home at the end of the day in the same condition they came.

Employee QuickTip

Stop and think before you take that short cut, it could be the best thing you do today.

Employer/Management QuickTip

Let your employees know that their safety is important and that you’ll be watching, then hold them accountable for working safe. No one wants to make THAT phone call.

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Thanks for Reading and Please – Stay Healthy and Work Safe.