Safety and Compliance Solutions that Put You in Control – You’ve Got This!

Which Will It Be For Your Company? – 5/16/22

Safety E-QuickTips

U.S. Compliance Systems, Inc.

Monday May 16, 2022

Which Will It Be For Your Company?

When it comes to workplace safety and compliance, it can have a big impact on your business – positive or negative. So, what is the downside of not managing workplace safety and compliance?

Increased opportunity for serious accidents and costly OSHA citations. Two things that can bring a company to its knees and even close its doors.

Seem hard to believe? I’ve represented companies with OSHA, and I’ve seen it happen more than I care to say. Let’s look at a few.

  • ·An experienced HVAC employee, the son of the owner, was electrocuted while working on a piece of equipment that tore the family business apart.
  • ·A superintendent made a poor safety choice that cost him his life and led to the closing of a company’s doors forever.
  • ·A natural gas line installation company watched their thriving business crumble before them after a line test explosion blew an employee into the street. Their company reputation was damaged beyond repair.
  • ·A company experienced so many accidents that their workers’ compensation rate was 10 times their normal rate, causing them to close the company down.

Each of these tragedies could have been avoided had the companies paid more attention to workplace safety and compliance.

Your company’s Employees, Reputation and Profits depend on everyone in your company making workplace safety and compliance an important part of the workday.

Employee QuickTip

Take a moment and think about it.No company, no paycheck.Work safe for both you and your company.

Employer/Management QuickTip

Don’t think for a minute that something like what I mentioned above couldn’t happen to your company.Workplace safety and compliance has Real Value for your company and your employees. 

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Thanks for Reading and Please – Stay Healthy and Work Safe.